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(As of February 11, 2017)




Marine Corps Birthday (Committee)

The Brutes celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday (November 10th) at its November meeting with a special program.  We also host a Marine Corps Birthday Ball for Detachment members and guests.  This committee organizes the programs for both.


Brute Scholarship Fund (Squad)

The Brutes have established a scholarship fund for Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and Navy Chaplains, along with their dependents. The Scholarship Fund Squad determines the recipient and amount of the scholarship. The Detachment will periodically contribute to the scholarship fund directly and/or via special fundraisers. All of the proceeds from the monthly meeting donation drawings are added to the scholarship fund.


Veterans Day Parade (Committee)

The Brutes participate in the National Veterans Day parade held in Birmingham, AL, on November 11th each year. The Commandant assigns a VDP Chair to organize and coordinate our participation. 


Three Hots and a Cot (Squad)

The Brutes support Three Hots and a Cot, a 501 (c)3 organization which assists homeless Veterans of all branches of the nation’s military services. We support the organization by bringing nonperishable food items and consumable household items to each Detachment meeting, which in turn are turned over to Three Hots and a Cot.  We also give the residents birthday cards that are signed by Detachment members and include a Walmart gift card.


Toys-4-Tots (Committee)

The Brutes participate in the MCL National Toys-4-Tots annual program at the local level. Brutes collect toys for children and help distribute them to needy children. This committee will organize the Brutes’ involvement in the program.   


Recruitment & Retention (Squad)

Recruitment and Retention is the lifeblood of the Detachment.  Without active and involved members, the Detachment cannot operate.  Recruiting new members and retaining existing members is an ongoing job which requires every Brute’s participation. Each Brute should make an effort to recruit at least one new member annually and participate in the scheduled Brute social events.  This squad develops the recruitment and retention strategies while also developing strategies to get members more engaged in Detachment squads, committees, meetings and other activities.


Color Guard (Squad)

The Color Guard is responsible for assuring that the “Colors” are maintained in fitting condition, properly handled, posted, and stored during and after formal Detachment activities.


Monthly Meeting (Squad)

This squad is all about the monthly Detachment meetings.  The squad is divided into the following three teams:


  • Setup Team

This team is responsible for setting up the monthly meeting room.  This includes picking up snacks and coffee, decorating the room, setting tables and chair in place, etc.


  • Donation Drawing Team

The Detachment holds donation drawings at each monthly business meeting and at other Detachment functions.  This committee is responsible for organizing and conducting the donation drawings. 


  • Speakers Team

This Team secures a relevant speaker for each of the monthly meetings.


Visitation (Squad)

The Visitation Squad organizes the Detachment’s veterans visitation initiatives.  Currently, Brutes visit the Col. Robert L. Howard Veterans Home in Pell City, AL, on Thursdays from 10am-12pm. 


Brute Auxiliary (Squad)

The Brute Auxiliary’s purpose is to support the Krulak Detachment in its various activities and undertakings. There are no dues to be a member of the Brute Auxiliary. The Brute Auxiliary is open to anyone 16 years of age or older.


Speakers Bureau (Squad)

The Speaker’s Bureau organizes speaking engagements for Brutes to discuss military service, military values or any other veteran-related topic.  The speaking engagements may take place at schools, places of business or other organizations decided on by the squad.


Fundraising (Squad)

The Fundraising Squad is responsible for organizing the Detachment’s various fundraising efforts.  This squad will consist of multiple committees to oversee each of the squad’s fundraising efforts.  For example:


  • Shoot with the Brutes (Committee)

  • Gun Donation Drawings (Committee)

  • General Donations (Committee)


Wreaths Across America (Committee)

The Wreaths Across America Committee coordinates the Detachment’s involvement in and support of the annual wreath laying ceremony.


Detachment Rendezvous (Squad)

The Detachment organizes a number of social events and gatherings throughout the year.  The Rendezvous Squad oversees the planning and organization of the Detachment’s social events and gatherings.


Financial Audit (Committee)

The Detachment financial review shall be conducted annually. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Review Committee consisting of three Regular Members in Good Standing, two of whom must not currently be an Elected Officer, to review the status of Detachment financial and physical assets.  The Board of Trustees, if desired, may appoint an impartial outside party in addition to the internal Review Committee.


Nominating (Committee)

The Nominating Committee is only convened once a year, two months prior to the December Detachment business meeting.  The Nominating Committee oversees the nomination of Detachment Officers and is made up of a maximum of five (5) members appointed by the Board of Trustees.


Marketing/PR (Squad)

The Marketing/PR Squad will ensure that the Detachment website, social media handles and other marketing channels stay up-to-date with pictures and information from the Detachment’s activities.  This committee will also be responsible for creating and disseminating all marketing materials, press releases and other materials necessary to promote the Detachment and bring awareness to its mission and activities.


Planning/Strategy (Squad)

The members of this squad will be appointed by the Commandant and called upon when needed to assist with the Detachment’s overall strategy development and long-term planning efforts. 


Governance (Squad)

The Governance Squad is responsible for ensuring that the Detachment adheres to protocol and follows the bylaws.  The Governance Squad shall be chaired by the Detachment Judge Advocate. 


Communications (Squad)

This squad is focused on internal communications among Detachment Officers and Detachment Members.  The Communications Squad will oversee the dissemination of information to Detachment members via phone, email, website, automated calls, etc.


Community Engagement (Squad)

This squad keeps track of community events where Brutes can set up a table to promote the Detachment and provide membership information or sell donation drawing tickets.  

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